Milestone: Object Permanence
Between four and seven months, your baby will develop object permanence—the understanding that even when something disappears from their view (like a beloved stuffed animal or even you!), it’s not gone forever. There are lots of fun games you can play to help develop this new skill.
- Hide-and-seek with toys: Place a toy under a blanket or small towel. At first, you may want to keep a bit of the toy in view to give your kiddo a hint that it’s hiding under there. Lift the cloth to reveal the toy and give your baby a chance to do it themselves. Babies at this age are becoming expert “graspers” as they work on fine motor skills. This game gives them an opportunity to grab and hold their favorite toys and teethers. You can also hide objects behind your back or behind larger objects and bring them back into sight. Get ready for lots of happy, excited responses!
- Peek-a-boo: This game never gets old! You can mix it up by covering your face with a book or draping a burp cloth over your head and pulling it off. Or, lay your baby down on their back, lean over and use their little feet to cover/reveal your face.
- Guess which hand? Place a small toy in your hand and alternate which hand has the toy and which hand remains empty.
These cool tricks boost cognitive development and help set your tot up for dealing with other big milestones to come, like separation anxiety. They’ll understand that just because they can’t see mom or dad, you’ll come back!
Your Body: Phantom Kicks
A totally freaky phenomenon some new moms experience is “phantom kicks” long after you’ve delivered. You’ll swear there’s a baby kicking inside your belly, even though you’re not pregnant. (And cue frantic trip to drugstore to buy a pregnancy test!)
What you’re actually feeling is a muscle spasm or gas. But your brain still interprets those sensations as baby kicks, since you were so accustomed to them during pregnancy. Before you panic, know this is a normal postpartum scenario. Phantom kicks can start right away (especially as your uterus contracts after childbirth) and even be felt here and there into your baby’s toddler years!
What to Do When Baby Has a Fever
Babies will inevitably get fevers. They can be scary, especially when your little one is too young to tell you what doesn’t feel good. But just remember that a fever isn’t actually an illness; it’s how your baby’s body fights off a viral or bacterial infection. In some cases, vaccinations can trigger a fever.
What temperature is a fever? A fever is defined as a temp over 100.4 F (38 C).
What to do when your baby has a fever: In an otherwise healthy baby, most fevers can be treated at home with medication (if needed) and TLC. Here’s how to handle a fever:
- If your baby’s body temperature feels warm, they’re irritable or out of sorts and aren’t eating or drinking normally, take their temperature. At this age, a rectal thermometer gives the best reading. Temperatures up to 102.5 F in a child that’s between 3 months and 3 years of age are common and generally not a cause for major concern. But at this age, it’s a good idea to call the doctor if the fever reaches 101.5 F or higher.
- Keep them comfortable and hydrated. Dress baby lightly and offer extra feedings to ensure they’re getting enough fluids.
- To reduce the fever and ease discomfort, it is safe to give acetaminophen (Tylenol). Make sure you’re giving the accurate dosage based on your baby’s weight. Ibuprofen (Advil/Motrin) should only be used for children older than 6 months. Don’t give your baby aspirin, as it’s been linked with Reye’s syndrome.
- Soothe! When your baby is sick, they need extra snuggles. Don’t stress about sleep training (even if you’ve made good progress). Attend to your baby’s needs at bedtime and during the middle of the night during this time. You’ll get back on track with sleep once they’re all better.
- Call your pediatrician if the fever spikes higher than 104 F, lasts more than 24 hours, doesn’t come down with fever reducers or your baby isn’t taking in enough liquids or is acting extremely lethargic. Other causes for concern are excessive crying, febrile seizures, blood in urine or stool and/or difficulty breathing. If anything seems “off” to you, trust your instincts and call the doc. Even if your baby has a low fever, you should never feel embarrassed to call your pediatrician for treatment advice and peace of mind. That’s what they’re there for!
Your kiddo should be back to their old self in a few days, resuming normal eating and behavior patterns. But they may be tired as they recover, so don’t overdo it on activities for a couple days.
Babylist Staff
Babylist editors and writers are parents themselves and have years of experience writing and researching, coming from media outlets like Motherly, the SF Chronicle, the New York Times and the Daily Beast, and the fields of early childhood education and publishing. We research and test hundreds of products, survey real Babylist parents and consult reviews in order to recommend the best products and gear for your growing family.